State Exam Good Wishes and Reminders

4th June 2024

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To Our Third and Sixth Year Students,

In advance of your examinations next Wednesday, we are gently reminding you of the following:

  • Information video for both Leaving Certificate and Junior Certificate students available from the SEC on the website:
  • You will also find the exam timetables on the above page. Be certain to check the subject being examined each day and the times of each exam.
  • Arrive on the first day 30 minutes before the exam is due to begin. The superintendents have administration to carry out on the first morning ahead of commencing the exam.
  • Remember that all mobile phones and smart technology will be locked in the bag rooms.
  • Your parents and guardians will have received the time for third year and sixth year visualisation for the afternoon of Tuesday 4th May. Do not arrive to the school before the time allotted to your year group as final preparations are being carried out in the morning of the 4th.
  • We recommend a clear pencil case or plastic bag to bring your writing materials into the exam room.
  • Follow all instructions of the superintendent.
  • Sixth years meet in Room 36/37 and Third Years meet in the Main Assembly area. You will be told when to proceed onto the corridor to your examination room.

Remember, we mean it when we say, do your best, concentrate on the material you know best in the first instance and then dig deep into your memory for the remaining material that you know is there.

We are proud of you all.